require "optparse" require "date" module Post class Options attr_reader :input, :title, :date, :colorize def parse! @colorize = true do |parser| parser.banner = "Usage: post.rb [options]" parser.on("--no-color", "Don't colorize output") do @colorize = false end parser.on("-n", "--today", "Set date as today") do @date = end parser.on("-d=DATE", "--date=DATE", "Set date") do |date| @date = Date.parse(date) end parser.on("-t=TITLE", "--title=TITLE", "Set the title/topic") do |title| @title = title end parser.on("-f=PATH", "--file=PAT", "Read a file as inut") do |path| @input = end parser.on("--stdin", "Read the input from stdin") do @input = nil end end.parse! if @title && @date raise "You may NOT choose a title AND a date" end fill_input! self end def fill_input! if !input input = "" while (line = $stdin.gets) input << line end @input = input end self end end end