h1.page-header Help - if user_signed_in? .panel.panel-primary .panel-heading .panel-title Client .panel-body p | Wecome to the Morning Peak CRM.  | This is an open source web application, designed for you, client of a provider, and your creditor.  | The application is compatible on Desktop, Tablet, and Mobiles.  h3 On Desktop p | With a large screen, you will be able to use the left sidebar panel. It allowes you to access to your  | dashboard (click on 'User'). You have also a link to the bills you due to your provider, and a links to the tickets,  | used to make easier the contact and conversation with him. h3 On Tablet and Mobile p | With Tablets and Mobiles, you cannot see the sidebar panel. Instead, you will have an access to your dashboard,  | by using the square button on the top right.  br | On the dashboard, you will see how many Bills you have (due, passed, ...) and the same for your tickets. - if admin_signed_in? .panel.panel-danger .panel-heading .panel-title Admin .panel-body p | You can access to the list of your clients, the contacts for each clients,  | the bills your clients due to you and also the tickets to communicate with them.  - if not user_signed_in? and not admin_signed_in? .panel.panel-primary .panel-heading .panel-title Connection .panel-body p | To use this application, you have to sign in as a Client or Administrator with your créditentials. br = link_to "Sign in as User", new_user_session_path br | If you are an administrator, use this link instead br = link_to "Sign in as Admin", new_admin_session_path br p | You can also contact the administrator, via the  = link_to "developpers on the website", "https://gitlab.com/poulet_a/MorningPeak/issues" br | Please, don't forget to be explicit and to write carefully.  | It the request is too much broad, then it will not be handled.