h1.page-header Admin Dashboard .row.placeholders .col-xs-6.col-sm-3.placeholder = link_to clients_url do = image_tag "icone_client.png", alt: "image clients", class: "img-responsive", size: "128x128" h4 Clients span.text-muted = "Count: #{@clients_count}" br .col-xs-6.col-sm-3.placeholder = link_to contacts_url do = image_tag "icone_contact.png", alt: "image contact", class: "img-responsive", size: "128x128" h4 Contacts span.text-muted = "Count: #{@contacts_count}" br span.text-muted = "Client with no contacts: #{@no_client_contacts_count}" br .col-xs-6.col-sm-3.placeholder = link_to bills_url do = image_tag "icone_bill.png", alt: "image bills", class: "img-responsive", size: "128x128" h4 Bills span.text-muted = "Retard bills: #{@retard_bills}" br span.text-muted = "Advanced bills: #{@advanced_bills}" br span.text-muted = "Next bills: #{@retard_bills}" br span.text-muted = "Old bills: #{@old_bills}" br span.text-muted = "Total Bills: #{@bills_count}" br .col-xs-6.col-sm-3.placeholder = link_to tickets_url do = image_tag "icone_ticket.png", alt: "image tickets", class: "img-responsive", size: "128x128" h4 Tickets span.text-muted = "Closed tickets: #{@ticket_closed}" br span.text-muted = "Opened tickets: #{@ticket_opened}" br span.text-muted = "Waiting tickets: #{@ticket_waiting}" br / here, add a wonderful statistic graph with js