# Installation ## Requirements - First install ruby 2 or greater. It is not advised to do the following commands as ``root``. - Then, be sure you have postgresql installed, and started. ## Initialization ```bash cd Appli/ gem install bundler bundle install cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml edit config/database.yml # Configure your database connection first rake db:create # create the db rake db:migrate # migrate the db ``` you can try with an first example of dataset : ``` rake db:seed ``` ## Running You can run the server by : ``` rails s ``` The server will be accessible via [localhost](http://localhost:3000) # Organisation MVC Guide documentation : [visit](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/) The RoR Project works with some main parts : - __/config/routes.rb__ : the routing. The url accessible from http://... will call a Controller.method - __/app/controllers/*__ : the controllers. they act from the parameters from the calling url - __/app/models/*__ : the modelisation of the database - __/app/views/*/*__ : the views rendered after the controller - __/db/migrate/*__ : the migrations. They represents the state of the databases - __/app/assets/__ : all stylesheets css, javascript, images # Contributors - poulet_a (as lead)