# Rails minidoc Guide documentation : [visit](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/) The RoR Project works with some main parts : - __/config/routes.rb__ : the routing. The url accessible from http://... will call a Controller.method - __/app/controllers/*__ : the controllers. they are the mind using the parameters and choosing the render to use - __/app/models/*__ : the modelisation of the database - __/app/views/*/*__ : the views rendered after the controller - __/db/migrate/*__ : the migrations. They represents the state of the databases - __/app/assets/__ : all stylesheets css, javascript, images ## Create a new table, upgrade, etc. ### Create a table Creating a new table = Create a new migration. Use the command like ``rails generate Table data1:string data2:integer`` etc. ### Change an existing table Each changement on the database needs a migration. ``rails g migration``.