require_relative 'core' require_relative 'rfc1123' module RubyEmail # an Email Address follows the Rfc5322: # a Domain Name follows the Rfc1123: # The Rfc5322 designate an email with the format local@domain, where # - local is a string of US-ASCII characters, without some symboles. # - domain is a valid Domain Name class Rfc5322 < Core # one valid character for local part (do not take escaped because the Rfc prefere to avoid them) ATEXT = '([A-Za-z0-9!#\$%&\'*\+\-/=\?\^_`\{\}\|~])' # a valid string for local part ATOM = "#{ATEXT}+" # a valid string with subdomains, separated by dots for local part DOT_ATOM_TEXT = "(#{ATOM})(\\.#{ATOM})*" # email grammar VALIDE = "(?#{DOT_ATOM_TEXT})@(#{Rfc1123::VALIDE})" # regexp to validate complete email REGEXP = "\\A#{VALIDE}\\Z" module String # Check if the current [::String] instance is a valid email # @return [TrueClass or FalseClass] def is_email? RubyEmail::Rfc5322.validates? self end end end end