require "minitest/test_task" Minitest::TestTask.create(:test) do |t| t.libs << "test" t.libs << "src" t.warning = false t.test_globs = ["test/**/test_*.rb"] end namespace "db" do desc "Migrate the database to the lasted schema" task "migrate" do load "bin/db_migrate" end desc "Initialize database with dumby data" task "dumb_seed" do load "bin/db_seed" end desc "Initialize database with local data" task "local_seed" do load "bin/db_seed.local" end desc "Reset all tables, schema, data" task "reset" do require_relative "lib/app" $db.tables.each { $db.drop_table _1 } end namespace "reset" do task "stuff" do end end end task :default => :test task default: :test