require "./RuntimeCall/*" module RuntimeCall class UndefinedCall < Exception end # Defines a list of functions that are used to find operator, and defines `termine`. # # It makes the `termine` able to call the function by associating their name with a proc. macro extended alias RuntimeCallArg = String alias RuntimeCallArgsContainer = Array alias RuntimeCallArgs = RuntimeCallArgsContainer(RuntimeCallArg) RUNTIME_FUNCTIONS__ = [] of String # Reads into the list of operators functions to call the right one. def runtime_call(call : String, values : RuntimeCallArgs) call_proc = RUNTIME_CALLS__[call]? raise %(No runtime call "#{call}" in (#{self.class})) if call_proc.nil?, values) end def runtime_call(call : String, *values) call_proc = RUNTIME_CALLS__[call]? raise %(No runtime call "#{call}" in (#{self.class})) if call_proc.nil? if values.size == 0 self, [] of String else self, Array(String).new(values.size) { |i| values[i].to_s } end end # Defines an operator compatible with __set_operators. It also checks the type of the arguments. macro define_runtime_call(_call, *_types, &_block) def _rt_\{{}}(values : RuntimeCallArgs) \{% if _types.empty? %} RuntimeCall.__require_no_arguments(\{{_call}}, values) \{{yield}} \{% else %} args = RuntimeCall.__require_arguments(\{{_call}}, values, \{{*_types}}) \{{yield args}} \{% end %} end \{{RUNTIME_FUNCTIONS__ << _call}} end # Defines getter with an unused parameter so it is compatible with the prototype used by __set_operators macro getter_runtime_call(*_calls) \{% for _call in _calls %} define_runtime_call(\{{_call}}) do @\{{}} end \{% end %} end macro finish_runtime_call() RUNTIME_CALLS__ = { \{% for _call in RUNTIME_FUNCTIONS__ %} \{{_call}} => -> (on : self, args : RuntimeCallArgs) { on._rt_\{{}}(args) }, \{% end %} } end end # ``` # arg1, arg2 = __require_arguments("my_function", UInt32, String) # ``` macro __require_arguments(context, values, *_types) raise "Invalid argument count in (#{{{context}}}) with arguments (#{{{values}}})" if {{values}}.size != {{_types.size}} { {% for _i in 0..._types.size %} ( begin {% if _types[_i].stringify == "String" %} {{_types[_i]}}.new({{values}}[{{_i}}].to_slice) {% else %} {{_types[_i]}}.new({{values}}[{{_i}}]) {% end %} rescue err raise "Invalid (#{{{_i}}}th) argument (#{{{values}}[{{_i}}]}) in (#{{{context}}})" end ), {% end %} } end macro __require_no_arguments(context, values) raise "Invalid argument count in (#{{{context}}}) with arguments (#{{{values}}})" unless {{values}}.size == 0 end macro extends(&block) extend RuntimeCall {{yield}} finish_runtime_call end end