kind: pipeline type: docker name: default clone: disable: true steps: - name: prepare_env image: crystallang/crystal:latest environment: commands: - apt-get update && apt-get install -y libsfml-dev libimgui-dev 'libstdc++6' 'g++' curl - curl$DRONE_COMMIT/shard.lock -o shard.lock - curl$DRONE_COMMIT/shard.yml -o shard.yml - shards install - rm shard.yml shard.lock # TODO: create an image of this and use it in clone - name: clone image: alpine/git commands: - git clone ZeroEpsilon - cd ZeroEpsilon - git checkout $DRONE_COMMIT # TODO: create an image of this and use it in test - name: test image: crystallang/crystal:latest environment: commands: - ls - cd ZeroEpsilon - ls - crystal spec # steps: # - name: test # image: sceptique/zero_epsilon:latest # commands: # - cd /ZeroEpsilon # - crystal spec