# botpop [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/Nephos/botpop/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/Nephos/botpop) [![GitHub version](https://badge.fury.io/gh/Nephos%2Fbotpop.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/gh/Nephos%2Fbotpop) ## Requirements - Ruby 2.0 or greater - Postgresql 9.3 or greater ## Installation Ruby 2 or greater is required. To be compatible with Ruby 1.9, you can try : ```bash sed 's/prepend/include/g' -i botpop.rb ``` but i did never try... You better update ruby ! ;) Too install the stuff, just do : ```bash bundle install # install the required gems cp modules_config.yml.example modules_config.yml editor modules_config.yml # set the database settings, etc. # create your database rake db:install # migrate the base plugin ``` ## Arguments By default, only the first occurence of the argument will be used, unless specified. - --channels, -c _OPTION_ : list of channels (default __equilibre__) - --ip, -s _OPTION_ : server ip (default to __freenode__) - --port, -p _OPTION_ : port (default __7000__ or __6667__ if no ssl) - --no-ssl : disable ssl (__enabled__ by default) - --nick, -n _OPTION_ : change the __nickname__ - --user, -u _OPTION_ : change the __username__ - --config _OPTION_ : change the plugin configuration file (default to ``modules_config.yml``) - --plugin-directory _OPTION_ : change the directory where the plugins are installed (default ``plugins/``) - --plugin-disable _OPTION_ : disable a plugin (can be specified many times) - --debug, -d _OPTION_ : enable the debug mod. It et a global __$debug_OPTION__ to true. (can be specified many times) ### Debugging easier You can specify the --debug OPT option at program start. It will define as many __$debug_OPT__ globals to enable debug on the plugins. As example: ```ruby # If debug enabled for this options and error occured if $debug_plugin and variable == :failed binding.pry # user hand here # Obsiously, it is usefull to trylock a mutex before because the bot use # Threads and can call many times this binding.pry end ``` # Plugins Some official plugins are developped. You can propose your own creation by pull request, or add snippets link to the wiki. ## List - [Base](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/blob/master/plugins/base.rb) : this is a basic plugin, providing __version, code, help, and troll__. It also provide a full groups's system. - [Network](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/blob/master/plugins/network.rb) : an usefull plugin with commands __ping, ping ip, ping http, traceroute, dos attack and poke__ - [Searchable](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/blob/master/plugins/searchable.rb) : a little plugin providing irc research with engines like __google, wikipedia, ruby-doc, etc...__ - [Proxy](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/blob/master/plugins/proxy.rb) : an audacious plugin to create user access to a local proxy - [Log](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/blob/master/plugins/log.rb) : simple logger - [IAmAlive](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/tree/master/plugins/iamalive) : a plugin to learn how to respond to the users. Fucking machine learning, oh yearh. - [CeQueTuDisNaAucunSens](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/tree/master/plugins/cequetudisnaaucunsens.rb) : a funny plugin to say "ce que tu dis n'a aucun sens" without any meaning. - [Points](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/tree/master/plugins/points.rb) : a gem to add points to an user. ``!p noob for_you`` - [Anecdote](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/blob/master/plugins/anecdote.rb) : a cool meme generator plugin with nazi and youtuber. French meme. ### In version 0.X, not upgraded to v1 - [Coupon](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/blob/master/plugins/coupons.rb) : the original aim of the bot. It get coupons for the challenge __pathwar__ - [Intranet](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/blob/master/plugins/intranet.rb) : an useless plugin to check the intranet of epitech ## Create your own You can easy create your own plugins. The bot is based on [Cinch framework](https://github.com/cinchrb/cinch/). You should take the time to read the documentation before developping anything. ### Example of new plugin A full example of plugin code is provided in the commented file : [Example of Fury Plugin](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/blob/master/plugins/example.rb) First, put your ruby code file in ``plugins/``, and put your code in the scope : ```ruby class MyFuryPlugin < Botpop::Plugin include Cinch::Plugin def exec_whatkingofanimal m m.reply "Die you son of a" + ["lion", "pig", "red panda"].sample + " !!" end ...code... end ``` ### Matching messages To create a matching to respond to a message, you have to specifie in your plugin : ```ruby class MyFuryPlugin < Botpop::Plugin include Cinch::Plugin match(/!whatkingofanimal.*/, use_prefix: false, method: :exec_whatkingofanimal) ...code... end ``` ### Add entry to the !help command The __official plugin__ [Base](https://github.com/Nephos/botpop/blob/master/plugins/base.rb) provides the command __!help__ and __!help plugin__. It list the avaliable commands of the plugins. You can add your help to your plugin by providing a __HELP__ constant. __The strings should be as short as possible.__ You should write it like the following: ```ruby class MyFuryPlugin < Botpop::Plugin HELP = ["!whatkingofanimal", "!animallist", "!checkanimal [type]"] ...code... end ``` ### Enable and disable plugin You can enable or disable plugin by using the constant __ENABLED__. The constant must be defined by the developper of the plugin. For example, you can implement it like : ```ruby class MyFuryPlugin < Botpop::Plugin ENABLED = config['enable'].nil? ? true : config['enable'] end ``` Then, a simple line in the ``modules_configuration.yml`` file should be enough. ### Plugin Configuration You can configure your plugins via the file ``modules_configuration.yml``. If you considere that your plugin needs a particular configuration file, then create a new one il the ``plugins`` directory. To use the configuration loaded by ``modules_configuration.yml``, use the method ``config``. ``config`` takes an optionnal Hash as argument. It can take: - ``:safe => (true or false)`` - ``:name => (string or symbol)`` This method returns a Hash with configuration. By default, the method raise a ``MissingConfigurationZone`` error if no entry in the ``modules_configuration.yml`` file. The configuration file ``modules_configuration.yml`` must seems like : ```yaml name: entry: "string" entry2: - 1 - 2.2 - "ohoh" - nextelement: - oh oh ! ``` By default, the ``modules_configuration.yml`` file is configured for default plugins. ### Plugin Database Check this specified [README FOR DATABASE IN PLUGINS](DATABASE_EXTENSION.md) ### Rights managements (users, groups) Requires postgresql, because it uses the pg_array extension. Check this specified [README FOR RIGHTS MANAGEMENT](RIGHTS_MANAGEMENT.md)