#!/usr/bin/env ruby #encoding: utf-8 class Botpop module PluginInclusion def self.plugin_error_failure! e, f STDERR.puts "Error during loading the file #{f}".red STDERR.puts "#{e.class}: #{e.message}".red.bold STDERR.puts "---- Trace ----" STDERR.puts e.backtrace.join("\n").black.bold exit 1 end def self.plugin_include! f begin if $botpop_include_verbose != false puts "Loading plugin file ... " + f.green + " ... " + require_relative(f).to_s else require_relative(f) end rescue => e plugin_error_failure! e, f end end # THEN INCLUDE THE PLUGINS (STATE MAY BE DEFINED BY THE PREVIOUS CONFIG) def self.plugins_include! arguments Dir[File.expand_path '*.rb', arguments.plugin_directory].each do |f| if !arguments.disable_plugins.include? f plugin_include! f end end end end end