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Database Extension

Plugin Database Extension

You can configure a database to store a large amount of volatiles informations, like the users rights, etc. To do it, there is an extension, ready to be used.

1. configure the database access

for exemple, in the modules_config.yml:

    adapter: postgres
    host: localhost
    port: 5432
    user: root
    password: toor
    database: botpop_db

note: you can also configure it in a specific database file. In these case, adapt the following code.

Then, in you plugin, add the following code:

class Plugin < Botpop::Plugin
  include Cinch::Plugin
  include Botpop::Plugin::Database # include the extension

    DB_CONFIG = self.db_config = config(safe: true)['database']
    DB = self.db_connect!
    require_relative 'plugin/model' # if you have a model, include it now


2. create the database and tables

It can be done via 2 ways:

  • migrations: recommanded. This is safer and more reliable. There is an example in the plugin iamalive. Checkout the documentation of the orm: sequel migrations.
  • manual: NOT recommanded. Create the database and tables manually.

3. use it

You can access to the database via the constant DB

class Plugin ...
  def search_word m, word
    found = DB[:words].where(word: word).first
    m.reply found ? found[:id] : 'no such word'

4. models

If you want to use models, don't forget to set the "dataset" (association with the right database / table) to avoid conflicts:

class Model < Sequel::Model
  set_dataset DB[:admins]