defmodule DiceMacro do defmacro for_every_value(name, todo) do quote do def unquote(name)(d) do Enum.reduce(d.values, 0, unquote(todo)) end end end end defmodule Dice do @moduledoc """ `Dice` is a structure that contain a constant or a random value """ defstruct values: [[]] # note: when implement `Enum` instead of is_list ? @doc """ Returns: `Dice` struct having every values specified in parameter """ def new(values) when is_list(values) do %Dice{values: values} end @doc """ Returns: `Dice` struct parsed from a string "nDf" or "n" """ def new(str) when is_bitstring(str) do cond do str =~ ~r/\d+d\d+/i -> cap = Regex.named_captures(~r/(?\d+)d(?\d+)/i, str) nb = String.to_integer(cap["nb"]) faces = String.to_integer(cap["faces"]) new(, fn(_) -> Enum.to_list(1..faces) end)) str =~ ~r/\d+/ -> new([[String.to_integer(str)]]) end end @doc """ Returns: `Dice` negated (every values in the `Dice` are negated) """ def neg(d) do %Dice{values:, fn(arr) ->, &(-(&1))) end)} end require DiceMacro DiceMacro.for_every_value(:test, fn(r, l) -> l + Enum.random(r) end) DiceMacro.for_every_value(:max, fn(r, l) -> l + Enum.max(r) end) DiceMacro.for_every_value(:min, fn(r, l) -> l + Enum.min(r) end) DiceMacro.for_every_value(:mean, fn(r, l) -> l + (Enum.min(r) + Enum.max(r)) / 2 end) def to_string(d) do cond do Enum.count(d.values) == 1 and Enum.count(List.first(d.values)) == 1 -> "#{List.first(List.first(d.values))}" true -> "#{Enum.count(d.values)}D#{Enum.count(List.first(d.values))}" end end end