Network protocol

Network protocol will be managed by a plugin, which means we can switch between several protocols by switching between plugins. It allows us to have both a centralized and a de-centralized worm. Our first implementation will be the decentralized one. Here are the specs:

Since there is no central nodes, each packet will be sent over udp (stealthier, don't have to maintain a lot of connections).

However, we have to add a way to verify if the packet has been well received. If not, the remote host may be offline, so it is required to feedback the packet's transmission failure. (We might try to re-send it several times, depending on the message priority, before assuming the host is offline).

The nodes will not know the other nodes, they will be limited to a certain amount. So there will be a forward system, which is only managed by the plugin.

Packet content (MSG)

magic_number: 32 bits
packet_id: 32 bits
TTL: 8 bits
destination_host: 32 bits (random id)
destination_plugin: 32 bits
body_length: 16 bits
body: 65000 bytes

Response packet (ACK)

magic_number: 32 bits
packet_id: 32 bits