require "./is_rollable" # Not a front class. It is used to represent a type of dice with faces # # A `Die` is a range of Integer values. # It is rollable. # # Example: # ``` # d = # d.min # => 1 # d.max # => 6 # d.average # => 3.5 # d.test # => a random value included in 1..6 # ``` # TODO: make it a Struct ? class Rollable::Die < Rollable::IsRollable MAX = 1000 EXPLODING_ITERATIONS = 4 @faces : Range(Int32, Int32) getter exploding : Bool getter faces def initialize(@faces, @exploding = false) raise "Cannot die with more than #{MAX} faces (#{@faces})" if @faces.size > MAX if @faces.end < @faces.begin @faces = @faces.end..@faces.begin end end def clone, @exploding) end def initialize(nb_faces : Int32, @exploding = false) raise "Cannot die with more than #{MAX} faces (#{nb_faces})" if nb_faces > MAX @faces = 1..nb_faces if @faces.end < @faces.begin @faces = @faces.end..@faces.begin end end # Number of faces of the `Die` def size @faces.size end def fixed? size == 1 end def negative? min < 0 && max < 0 end def like?(other : Die) @faces == other.faces || @faces == other.reverse.faces end # Reverse the values # # Example: # ``` # # => -6..-1 # ``` def reverse : Die -@faces.end..-@faces.begin, @exploding end def reverse! @faces = -@faces.end..-@faces.begin self end def max : Int32 if @exploding @faces.end * EXPLODING_ITERATIONS else @faces.end end end def min : Int32 @faces.begin end private def explode(&block) EXPLODING_ITERATIONS.times do |_| value = @faces.to_a.sample yield value break if value != @faces.end end end # Return a random value in the range of the dice def test : Int32 if @exploding sum = 0 explode { |value| sum += value } sum else @faces.to_a.sample end end # Mathematical expectation. # # A d6 will have a expected value of 3.5 def average : Float64 proba = @faces.size.to_f64 non_exploding_average = @faces.reduce { |r, l| r + l }.to_f64 / proba if @exploding EXPLODING_ITERATIONS.times.reduce(0.0) {|base, i| base + non_exploding_average / proba ** i }.round(3) else non_exploding_average end end # Return a string. # - It may be a fixed value ```(n..n) => "#{n}"``` # - It may be a dice ```(1..n) => "D#{n}"``` # - Else, ```(a..b) => "D(#{a},#{b})"``` def to_s : String string = if self.size == 1 min.to_s elsif self.min == 1 "D#{@faces.end}" else "D(#{@faces.begin},#{@faces.end})" end string = "!#{string}" if @exploding return string end def ==(right : Die) @faces == right.faces && @exploding == right.exploding end {% for op in [">", "<", ">=", "<="] %} def {{ }}(right : Die) return false if @exploding != right.exploding average != right.average ? average {{ }} right.average : max != right.max ? max {{ }} right.max : min {{ }} right.min end {% end %} def <=>(right : Die) : Int32 if average != right.average average - right.average > 0 ? 1 : -1 elsif max != right.max max - right.max <=> 0 else min - right.min <=> 0 end end end #