Compare commits


10 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
coletdjnz 3fd8e5dabe
Merge a40e0f6c5f into 89f535e265 2024-04-24 06:48:23 +02:00
bashonly 89f535e265
[ci] Fix `curl-cffi` installation (Bugfix for 02483bea1c)
Authored by: bashonly
2024-04-22 20:36:01 +00:00
coletdjnz a40e0f6c5f
misc cleanup 2024-04-06 15:47:39 +13:00
coletdjnz 6c3140a8c1
try this 2024-04-04 19:34:28 +13:00
coletdjnz 41add1d7af
be gone unclosed socket 2024-04-01 14:37:21 +13:00
coletdjnz bff727c043
Fix unclosed socket errors 2024-04-01 14:02:15 +13:00
coletdjnz a14bb53ab5
remove debug 2024-03-31 16:29:44 +13:00
coletdjnz 14505063ec
cleanup 2024-03-31 16:25:07 +13:00
coletdjnz e565e45a6f
[rh:curl_cffi] Fix HTTPS proxy support 2024-03-31 14:50:52 +13:00
coletdjnz b44e0f8b98
[test] Add http proxy tests 2024-03-31 14:50:29 +13:00
7 changed files with 596 additions and 180 deletions

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ jobs:
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install test requirements
run: python3 ./devscripts/ --include dev --include curl_cffi
run: python3 ./devscripts/ --include dev --include curl-cffi
- name: Run tests
continue-on-error: False
run: |

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import functools
import inspect
import pytest
@ -10,7 +9,9 @@
def handler(request):
RH_KEY = request.param
RH_KEY = getattr(request, 'param', None)
if not RH_KEY:
if inspect.isclass(RH_KEY) and issubclass(RH_KEY, RequestHandler):
handler = RH_KEY
@ -18,9 +19,46 @@ def handler(request):
pytest.skip(f'{RH_KEY} request handler is not available')
return functools.partial(handler, logger=FakeLogger)
class HandlerWrapper(handler):
RH_KEY = handler.RH_KEY
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(logger=FakeLogger, *args, **kwargs)
return HandlerWrapper
def validate_and_send(rh, req):
return rh.send(req)
def skip_handler(request, handler):
# usage: pytest.mark.skip_handler('my_handler', 'reason')
for marker in request.node.iter_markers('skip_handler'):
if marker.args[0] == handler.RH_KEY:
pytest.skip(marker.args[1] if len(marker.args) > 1 else '')
def skip_handler_if(request, handler):
# usage: pytest.mark.skip_handler_if('my_handler', lambda request: True, 'reason')
for marker in request.node.iter_markers('skip_handler_if'):
if marker.args[0] == handler.RH_KEY and marker.args[1](request):
pytest.skip(marker.args[2] if len(marker.args) > 2 else '')
def skip_handlers_if(request, handler):
# usage: pytest.mark.skip_handlers_if(lambda request, handler: True, 'reason')
for marker in request.node.iter_markers('skip_handlers_if'):
if handler and marker.args[0](request, handler):
pytest.skip(marker.args[1] if len(marker.args) > 1 else '')
def pytest_configure(config):
"markers", "skip_handler(handler): skip test for the given handler",
"markers", "skip_handler_if(handler): skip test for the given handler if condition is true"
"markers", "skip_handlers_if(handler): skip test for handlers when the condition is true"

View File

@ -338,3 +338,8 @@ def http_server_port(httpd):
def verify_address_availability(address):
if find_available_port(address) is None:
pytest.skip(f'Unable to bind to source address {address} (address may not exist)')
def validate_and_send(rh, req):
return rh.send(req)

test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
import abc
import base64
import contextlib
import functools
import json
import os
import random
import ssl
import threading
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from socketserver import ThreadingTCPServer
import pytest
from test.helper import http_server_port, verify_address_availability
from test.test_networking import TEST_DIR
from test.test_socks import IPv6ThreadingTCPServer
from yt_dlp.dependencies import urllib3
from yt_dlp.networking import Request
from yt_dlp.networking.exceptions import HTTPError, ProxyError, SSLError
class HTTPProxyAuthMixin:
def proxy_auth_error(self):
self.send_header('Proxy-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="test http proxy"')
return False
def do_proxy_auth(self, username, password):
if username is None and password is None:
return True
proxy_auth_header = self.headers.get('Proxy-Authorization', None)
if proxy_auth_header is None:
return self.proxy_auth_error()
if not proxy_auth_header.startswith('Basic '):
return self.proxy_auth_error()
auth = proxy_auth_header[6:]
auth_username, auth_password = base64.b64decode(auth).decode().split(':', 1)
except Exception:
return self.proxy_auth_error()
if auth_username != (username or '') or auth_password != (password or ''):
return self.proxy_auth_error()
return True
class HTTPProxyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPProxyAuthMixin):
def __init__(self, *args, proxy_info=None, username=None, password=None, request_handler=None, **kwargs):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.proxy_info = proxy_info
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def do_GET(self):
if not self.do_proxy_auth(self.username, self.password):
if self.path.endswith('/proxy_info'):
payload = json.dumps(self.proxy_info or {
'client_address': self.client_address,
'connect': False,
'connect_host': None,
'connect_port': None,
'headers': dict(self.headers),
'path': self.path,
'proxy': ':'.join(str(y) for y in self.connection.getsockname()),
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(payload)))
if urllib3:
import urllib3.util.ssltransport
class SSLTransport(urllib3.util.ssltransport.SSLTransport):
Modified version of urllib3 SSLTransport to support server side SSL
This allows us to chain multiple TLS connections.
def __init__(self, socket, ssl_context, server_hostname=None, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, server_side=False):
self.incoming = ssl.MemoryBIO()
self.outgoing = ssl.MemoryBIO()
self.suppress_ragged_eofs = suppress_ragged_eofs
self.socket = socket
self.sslobj = ssl_context.wrap_bio(
def _io_refs(self):
return self.socket._io_refs
def _io_refs(self, value):
self.socket._io_refs = value
def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.socket.shutdown(*args, **kwargs)
SSLTransport = None
class HTTPSProxyHandler(HTTPProxyHandler):
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
certfn = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testcert.pem')
sslctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER)
sslctx.load_cert_chain(certfn, None)
if isinstance(request, ssl.SSLSocket):
request = SSLTransport(request, ssl_context=sslctx, server_side=True)
request = sslctx.wrap_socket(request, server_side=True)
super().__init__(request, *args, **kwargs)
class HTTPConnectProxyHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPProxyAuthMixin):
protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
default_request_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
def __init__(self, *args, username=None, password=None, request_handler=None, **kwargs):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.request_handler = request_handler
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def do_CONNECT(self):
if not self.do_proxy_auth(self.username, self.password):
proxy_info = {
'client_address': self.client_address,
'connect': True,
'connect_host': self.path.split(':')[0],
'connect_port': int(self.path.split(':')[1]),
'headers': dict(self.headers),
'path': self.path,
'proxy': ':'.join(str(y) for y in self.connection.getsockname()),
self.request_handler(self.request, self.client_address, self.server, proxy_info=proxy_info)
class HTTPSConnectProxyHandler(HTTPConnectProxyHandler):
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
certfn = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'testcert.pem')
sslctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER)
sslctx.load_cert_chain(certfn, None)
request = sslctx.wrap_socket(request, server_side=True)
self._original_request = request
super().__init__(request, *args, **kwargs)
def do_CONNECT(self):
def proxy_server(proxy_server_class, request_handler, bind_ip=None, **proxy_server_kwargs):
server = server_thread = None
bind_address = bind_ip or ''
server_type = ThreadingTCPServer if '.' in bind_address else IPv6ThreadingTCPServer
server = server_type(
(bind_address, 0), functools.partial(proxy_server_class, request_handler=request_handler, **proxy_server_kwargs))
server_port = http_server_port(server)
server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
server_thread.daemon = True
if '.' not in bind_address:
yield f'[{bind_address}]:{server_port}'
yield f'{bind_address}:{server_port}'
class HTTPProxyTestContext(abc.ABC):
def http_server(self, server_class, *args, **kwargs):
return proxy_server(server_class, self.REQUEST_HANDLER_CLASS, *args, **kwargs)
def proxy_info_request(self, handler, target_domain=None, target_port=None, **req_kwargs) -> dict:
"""return a dict of proxy_info"""
class HTTPProxyHTTPTestContext(HTTPProxyTestContext):
# Standard HTTP Proxy for http requests
def proxy_info_request(self, handler, target_domain=None, target_port=None, **req_kwargs):
request = Request(f'http://{target_domain or ""}:{target_port or "40000"}/proxy_info', **req_kwargs)
return json.loads(handler.send(request).read().decode())
class HTTPProxyHTTPSTestContext(HTTPProxyTestContext):
# HTTP Connect proxy, for https requests
def proxy_info_request(self, handler, target_domain=None, target_port=None, **req_kwargs):
request = Request(f'https://{target_domain or ""}:{target_port or "40000"}/proxy_info', **req_kwargs)
return json.loads(handler.send(request).read().decode())
'http': HTTPProxyHTTPTestContext,
'https': HTTPProxyHTTPSTestContext,
def ctx(request):
return CTX_MAP[request.param]()
'handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ctx', ['http'], indirect=True) # pure http proxy can only support http
class TestHTTPProxy:
def test_http_no_auth(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPProxyHandler) as server_address:
with handler(proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://{server_address}'}) as rh:
proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
assert proxy_info['connect'] is False
assert 'Proxy-Authorization' not in proxy_info['headers']
def test_http_auth(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPProxyHandler, username='test', password='test') as server_address:
with handler(proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://test:test@{server_address}'}) as rh:
proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
assert 'Proxy-Authorization' in proxy_info['headers']
def test_http_bad_auth(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPProxyHandler, username='test', password='test') as server_address:
with handler(proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://test:bad@{server_address}'}) as rh:
with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as exc_info:
assert exc_info.value.response.status == 407
def test_http_source_address(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPProxyHandler) as server_address:
source_address = f'127.0.0.{random.randint(5, 255)}'
with handler(proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://{server_address}'},
source_address=source_address) as rh:
proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
assert proxy_info['client_address'][0] == source_address
@pytest.mark.skip_handler('Urllib', 'urllib does not support https proxies')
def test_https(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPSProxyHandler) as server_address:
with handler(verify=False, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'https://{server_address}'}) as rh:
proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
assert proxy_info['connect'] is False
assert 'Proxy-Authorization' not in proxy_info['headers']
@pytest.mark.skip_handler('Urllib', 'urllib does not support https proxies')
def test_https_verify_failed(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPSProxyHandler) as server_address:
with handler(verify=True, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'https://{server_address}'}) as rh:
# Accept SSLError as may not be feasible to tell if it is proxy or request error.
# note: if request proto also does ssl verification, this may also be the error of the request.
# Until we can support passing custom cacerts to handlers, we cannot properly test this for all cases.
with pytest.raises((ProxyError, SSLError)):
def test_http_with_idn(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPProxyHandler) as server_address:
with handler(proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://{server_address}'}) as rh:
proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh, target_domain='中文.tw')
assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
assert proxy_info['path'].startswith('')
assert proxy_info['headers']['Host'].split(':', 1)[0] == ''
'handler,ctx', [
('Requests', 'https'),
('CurlCFFI', 'https'),
], indirect=True)
class TestHTTPConnectProxy:
def test_http_connect_no_auth(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPConnectProxyHandler) as server_address:
with handler(verify=False, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://{server_address}'}) as rh:
proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
assert proxy_info['connect'] is True
assert 'Proxy-Authorization' not in proxy_info['headers']
def test_http_connect_auth(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPConnectProxyHandler, username='test', password='test') as server_address:
with handler(verify=False, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://test:test@{server_address}'}) as rh:
proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
assert 'Proxy-Authorization' in proxy_info['headers']
'bug in urllib3 causes unclosed socket:'
def test_http_connect_bad_auth(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPConnectProxyHandler, username='test', password='test') as server_address:
with handler(verify=False, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://test:bad@{server_address}'}) as rh:
with pytest.raises(ProxyError):
def test_http_connect_source_address(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPConnectProxyHandler) as server_address:
source_address = f'127.0.0.{random.randint(5, 255)}'
with handler(proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'http://{server_address}'},
verify=False) as rh:
proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
assert proxy_info['client_address'][0] == source_address
@pytest.mark.skipif(urllib3 is None, reason='requires urllib3 to test')
def test_https_connect_proxy(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPSConnectProxyHandler) as server_address:
with handler(verify=False, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'https://{server_address}'}) as rh:
proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
assert proxy_info['connect'] is True
assert 'Proxy-Authorization' not in proxy_info['headers']
@pytest.mark.skipif(urllib3 is None, reason='requires urllib3 to test')
def test_https_connect_verify_failed(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPSConnectProxyHandler) as server_address:
with handler(verify=True, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'https://{server_address}'}) as rh:
# Accept SSLError as may not be feasible to tell if it is proxy or request error.
# note: if request proto also does ssl verification, this may also be the error of the request.
# Until we can support passing custom cacerts to handlers, we cannot properly test this for all cases.
with pytest.raises((ProxyError, SSLError)):
@pytest.mark.skipif(urllib3 is None, reason='requires urllib3 to test')
def test_https_connect_proxy_auth(self, handler, ctx):
with ctx.http_server(HTTPSConnectProxyHandler, username='test', password='test') as server_address:
with handler(verify=False, proxies={ctx.REQUEST_PROTO: f'https://test:test@{server_address}'}) as rh:
proxy_info = ctx.proxy_info_request(rh)
assert proxy_info['proxy'] == server_address
assert 'Proxy-Authorization' in proxy_info['headers']

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
import pytest
from yt_dlp.networking.common import Features
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
import gzip
@ -27,8 +29,12 @@
from email.message import Message
from http.cookiejar import CookieJar
from test.conftest import validate_and_send
from test.helper import FakeYDL, http_server_port, verify_address_availability
from test.helper import (
from yt_dlp.cookies import YoutubeDLCookieJar
from yt_dlp.dependencies import brotli, curl_cffi, requests, urllib3
from yt_dlp.networking import (
@ -62,21 +68,6 @@
TEST_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def _build_proxy_handler(name):
class HTTPTestRequestHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
proxy_name = name
def log_message(self, format, *args):
def do_GET(self):
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
self.wfile.write(f'{self.proxy_name}: {self.path}'.encode())
return HTTPTestRequestHandler
class HTTPTestRequestHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
default_request_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
@ -317,8 +308,9 @@ def setup_class(cls):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
class TestHTTPRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_verify_cert(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
with pytest.raises(CertificateVerifyError):
@ -329,7 +321,6 @@ def test_verify_cert(self, handler):
assert r.status == 200
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_ssl_error(self, handler):
# HTTPS server with too old TLS version
# XXX: is there a better way to test this than to create a new server?
@ -347,7 +338,6 @@ def test_ssl_error(self, handler):
validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{https_port}/headers'))
assert not issubclass(exc_info.type, CertificateVerifyError)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_percent_encode(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
# Unicode characters should be encoded with uppercase percent-encoding
@ -359,7 +349,6 @@ def test_percent_encode(self, handler):
assert res.status == 200
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path', [
@ -375,15 +364,13 @@ def test_remove_dot_segments(self, handler, path):
assert res.url == f'{self.http_port}/headers'
# Not supported by CurlCFFI (non-standard)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.skip_handler('CurlCFFI', 'not supported by curl-cffi (non-standard)')
def test_unicode_path_redirection(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
r = validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/302-non-ascii-redirect'))
assert r.url == f'{self.http_port}/%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87.html'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_raise_http_error(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
for bad_status in (400, 500, 599, 302):
@ -393,7 +380,6 @@ def test_raise_http_error(self, handler):
# Should not raise an error
validate_and_send(rh, Request('' % self.http_port)).close()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_response_url(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
# Response url should be that of the last url in redirect chain
@ -405,7 +391,6 @@ def test_response_url(self, handler):
# Covers some basic cases we expect some level of consistency between request handlers for
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('redirect_status,method,expected', [
# A 303 must either use GET or HEAD for subsequent request
(303, 'POST', ('', 'GET', False)),
@ -447,7 +432,6 @@ def test_redirect(self, handler, redirect_status, method, expected):
assert expected[1] == res.headers.get('method')
assert expected[2] == ('content-length' in headers.decode().lower())
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_request_cookie_header(self, handler):
# We should accept a Cookie header being passed as in normal headers and handle it appropriately.
with handler() as rh:
@ -480,19 +464,16 @@ def test_request_cookie_header(self, handler):
assert b'cookie: test=ytdlp' not in data.lower()
assert b'cookie: test=test3' in data.lower()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_redirect_loop(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
with pytest.raises(HTTPError, match='redirect loop'):
validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/redirect_loop'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_incompleteread(self, handler):
with handler(timeout=2) as rh:
with pytest.raises(IncompleteRead, match='13 bytes read, 234221 more expected'):
validate_and_send(rh, Request('' % self.http_port)).read()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_cookies(self, handler):
cookiejar = YoutubeDLCookieJar()
@ -509,7 +490,6 @@ def test_cookies(self, handler):
rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/headers', extensions={'cookiejar': cookiejar})).read()
assert b'cookie: test=ytdlp' in data.lower()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_headers(self, handler):
with handler(headers=HTTPHeaderDict({'test1': 'test', 'test2': 'test2'})) as rh:
@ -525,7 +505,6 @@ def test_headers(self, handler):
assert b'test2: test2' not in data
assert b'test3: test3' in data
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_read_timeout(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
# Default timeout is 20 seconds, so this should go through
@ -541,7 +520,6 @@ def test_read_timeout(self, handler):
rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/timeout_1', extensions={'timeout': 4}))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_connect_timeout(self, handler):
# nothing should be listening on this port
connect_timeout_url = ''
@ -560,7 +538,6 @@ def test_connect_timeout(self, handler):
rh, Request(connect_timeout_url, extensions={'timeout': 0.01}))
assert 0.01 <= time.time() - now < 20
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_source_address(self, handler):
source_address = f'127.0.0.{random.randint(5, 255)}'
# on some systems these loopback addresses we need for testing may not be available
@ -572,13 +549,13 @@ def test_source_address(self, handler):
assert source_address == data
# Not supported by CurlCFFI
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.skip_handler('CurlCFFI', 'not supported by curl-cffi')
def test_gzip_trailing_garbage(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
data = validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'http://localhost:{self.http_port}/trailing_garbage')).read().decode()
assert data == '<html><video src="/vid.mp4" /></html>'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.skip_handler('CurlCFFI', 'not applicable to curl-cffi')
@pytest.mark.skipif(not brotli, reason='brotli support is not installed')
def test_brotli(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
@ -589,7 +566,6 @@ def test_brotli(self, handler):
assert res.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'br'
assert == b'<html><video src="/vid.mp4" /></html>'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_deflate(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
res = validate_and_send(
@ -599,7 +575,6 @@ def test_deflate(self, handler):
assert res.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'deflate'
assert == b'<html><video src="/vid.mp4" /></html>'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_gzip(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
res = validate_and_send(
@ -609,7 +584,6 @@ def test_gzip(self, handler):
assert res.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip'
assert == b'<html><video src="/vid.mp4" /></html>'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_multiple_encodings(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
for pair in ('gzip,deflate', 'deflate, gzip', 'gzip, gzip', 'deflate, deflate'):
@ -620,8 +594,7 @@ def test_multiple_encodings(self, handler):
assert res.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == pair
assert == b'<html><video src="/vid.mp4" /></html>'
# Not supported by curl_cffi
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.skip_handler('CurlCFFI', 'not supported by curl-cffi')
def test_unsupported_encoding(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
res = validate_and_send(
@ -631,7 +604,6 @@ def test_unsupported_encoding(self, handler):
assert res.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'unsupported'
assert == b'raw'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_read(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
res = validate_and_send(
@ -642,83 +614,48 @@ def test_read(self, handler):
assert == b''
def test_request_disable_proxy(self, handler):
for proxy_proto in handler._SUPPORTED_PROXY_SCHEMES or ['http']:
# Given the handler is configured with a proxy
with handler(proxies={'http': f'{proxy_proto}://'}, timeout=5) as rh:
# When a proxy is explicitly set to None for the request
res = validate_and_send(
rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/headers', proxies={'http': None}))
# Then no proxy should be used
assert res.status == 200
class TestHTTPProxy(TestRequestHandlerBase):
# Note: this only tests http urls over non-CONNECT proxy
def setup_class(cls):
# HTTP Proxy server
cls.proxy = http.server.ThreadingHTTPServer(
('', 0), _build_proxy_handler('normal'))
cls.proxy_port = http_server_port(cls.proxy)
cls.proxy_thread = threading.Thread(target=cls.proxy.serve_forever)
cls.proxy_thread.daemon = True
# Geo proxy server
cls.geo_proxy = http.server.ThreadingHTTPServer(
('', 0), _build_proxy_handler('geo'))
cls.geo_port = http_server_port(cls.geo_proxy)
cls.geo_proxy_thread = threading.Thread(target=cls.geo_proxy.serve_forever)
cls.geo_proxy_thread.daemon = True
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_http_proxy(self, handler):
http_proxy = f'{self.proxy_port}'
geo_proxy = f'{self.geo_port}'
# Test global http proxy
# Test per request http proxy
# Test per request http proxy disables proxy
url = ''
# Global HTTP proxy
with handler(proxies={'http': http_proxy}) as rh:
res = validate_and_send(rh, Request(url)).read().decode()
assert res == f'normal: {url}'
# Per request proxy overrides global
res = validate_and_send(rh, Request(url, proxies={'http': geo_proxy})).read().decode()
assert res == f'geo: {url}'
# and setting to None disables all proxies for that request
real_url = f'{self.http_port}/headers'
res = validate_and_send(
rh, Request(real_url, proxies={'http': None})).read().decode()
assert res != f'normal: {real_url}'
assert 'Accept' in res
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
lambda _, handler: Features.NO_PROXY not in handler._SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 'handler does not support NO_PROXY')
def test_noproxy(self, handler):
with handler(proxies={'proxy': f'{self.proxy_port}'}) as rh:
for no_proxy in (f'{self.http_port}', '', 'localhost'):
nop_response = validate_and_send(
rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/headers', proxies={'no': no_proxy})).read().decode(
assert 'Accept' in nop_response
for proxy_proto in handler._SUPPORTED_PROXY_SCHEMES or ['http']:
# Given the handler is configured with a proxy
with handler(proxies={'http': f'{proxy_proto}://'}, timeout=5) as rh:
for no_proxy in (f'{self.http_port}', '', 'localhost'):
# When request no proxy includes the request url host
nop_response = validate_and_send(
rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/headers', proxies={'no': no_proxy}))
# Then the proxy should not be used
assert nop_response.status == 200
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
lambda _, handler: Features.ALL_PROXY not in handler._SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 'handler does not support ALL_PROXY')
def test_allproxy(self, handler):
url = ''
with handler() as rh:
response = validate_and_send(rh, Request(url, proxies={'all': f'{self.proxy_port}'})).read().decode(
assert response == f'normal: {url}'
# This is a bit of a hacky test, but it should be enough to check whether the handler is using the proxy.
# 0.1s might not be enough of a timeout if proxy is not used in all cases, but should still get failures.
with handler(proxies={'all': ''}, timeout=0.1) as rh:
with pytest.raises(TransportError):
validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{self.http_port}/headers')).close()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_http_proxy_with_idn(self, handler):
with handler(proxies={
'http': f'{self.proxy_port}',
}) as rh:
url = 'http://中文.tw/'
response = rh.send(Request(url)).read().decode()
# b'xn--fiq228c' is '中文'.encode('idna')
assert response == 'normal:'
with handler(timeout=0.1) as rh:
with pytest.raises(TransportError):
rh, Request(
f'{self.http_port}/headers', proxies={'all': ''})).close()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
class TestClientCertificate:
def setup_class(cls):
@ -745,27 +682,23 @@ def _run_test(self, handler, **handler_kwargs):
) as rh:
validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{self.port}/video.html')).read().decode()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_certificate_combined_nopass(self, handler):
self._run_test(handler, client_cert={
'client_certificate': os.path.join(self.certdir, 'clientwithkey.crt'),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_certificate_nocombined_nopass(self, handler):
self._run_test(handler, client_cert={
'client_certificate': os.path.join(self.certdir, 'client.crt'),
'client_certificate_key': os.path.join(self.certdir, 'client.key'),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_certificate_combined_pass(self, handler):
self._run_test(handler, client_cert={
'client_certificate': os.path.join(self.certdir, 'clientwithencryptedkey.crt'),
'client_certificate_password': 'foobar',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_certificate_nocombined_pass(self, handler):
self._run_test(handler, client_cert={
'client_certificate': os.path.join(self.certdir, 'client.crt'),
@ -805,8 +738,8 @@ def test_remove_logging_handler(self, handler, logger_name):
assert len(logging_handlers) == before_count
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib'], indirect=True)
class TestUrllibRequestHandler(TestRequestHandlerBase):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib'], indirect=True)
def test_file_urls(self, handler):
# See
tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
@ -828,7 +761,6 @@ def test_file_urls(self, handler):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib'], indirect=True)
def test_http_error_returns_content(self, handler):
# urllib HTTPError will try close the underlying response if reference to the HTTPError object is lost
def get_response():
@ -841,7 +773,6 @@ def get_response():
assert get_response().read() == b'<html></html>'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib'], indirect=True)
def test_verify_cert_error_text(self, handler):
# Check the output of the error message
with handler() as rh:
@ -851,7 +782,6 @@ def test_verify_cert_error_text(self, handler):
validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{self.https_port}/headers'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('req,match,version_check', [
# bpo-39603: Check implemented in 3.7.9+, 3.8.5+
@ -1183,7 +1113,7 @@ class HTTPSupportedRH(ValidationRH):
# scheme, expected to fail
# proxy scheme, expected to fail
('Urllib', 'http', [
('http', False),
('https', UnsupportedRequest),
@ -1209,30 +1139,41 @@ class HTTPSupportedRH(ValidationRH):
('socks5', False),
('socks5h', False),
('Websockets', 'ws', [
('http', UnsupportedRequest),
('https', UnsupportedRequest),
('socks4', False),
('socks4a', False),
('socks5', False),
('socks5h', False),
(NoCheckRH, 'http', [('http', False)]),
(HTTPSupportedRH, 'http', [('http', UnsupportedRequest)]),
('Websockets', 'ws', [('http', UnsupportedRequest)]),
(NoCheckRH, 'http', [('http', False)]),
(HTTPSupportedRH, 'http', [('http', UnsupportedRequest)]),
# key, expected to fail
('Urllib', [
('all', False),
('unrelated', False),
# proxy key, proxy scheme, expected to fail
('Urllib', 'http', [
('all', 'http', False),
('unrelated', 'http', False),
('Requests', [
('all', False),
('unrelated', False),
('Requests', 'http', [
('all', 'http', False),
('unrelated', 'http', False),
('CurlCFFI', [
('all', False),
('unrelated', False),
('CurlCFFI', 'http', [
('all', 'http', False),
('unrelated', 'http', False),
(NoCheckRH, [('all', False)]),
(HTTPSupportedRH, [('all', UnsupportedRequest)]),
(HTTPSupportedRH, [('no', UnsupportedRequest)]),
('Websockets', 'ws', [
('all', 'socks5', False),
('unrelated', 'socks5', False),
(NoCheckRH, 'http', [('all', 'http', False)]),
(HTTPSupportedRH, 'http', [('all', 'http', UnsupportedRequest)]),
(HTTPSupportedRH, 'http', [('no', 'http', UnsupportedRequest)]),
@ -1274,28 +1215,54 @@ class HTTPSupportedRH(ValidationRH):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,fail,scheme', [
('Urllib', False, 'http'),
('Requests', False, 'http'),
('CurlCFFI', False, 'http'),
('Websockets', False, 'ws')
], indirect=['handler'])
def test_no_proxy(self, handler, fail, scheme):
run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{scheme}://', proxies={'no': ','}))
run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{scheme}://'), proxies={'no': ','})
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,scheme', [
('Urllib', 'http'),
(HTTPSupportedRH, 'http'),
('Requests', 'http'),
('CurlCFFI', 'http'),
('Websockets', 'ws')
], indirect=['handler'])
def test_empty_proxy(self, handler, scheme):
run_validation(handler, False, Request(f'{scheme}://', proxies={scheme: None}))
run_validation(handler, False, Request(f'{scheme}://'), proxies={scheme: None})
@pytest.mark.parametrize('proxy_url', ['//', '', '', '/a/b/c'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,scheme', [
('Urllib', 'http'),
(HTTPSupportedRH, 'http'),
('Requests', 'http'),
('CurlCFFI', 'http'),
('Websockets', 'ws')
], indirect=['handler'])
def test_invalid_proxy_url(self, handler, scheme, proxy_url):
run_validation(handler, UnsupportedRequest, Request(f'{scheme}://', proxies={scheme: proxy_url}))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,scheme,fail,handler_kwargs', [
(handler_tests[0], scheme, fail, handler_kwargs)
for handler_tests in URL_SCHEME_TESTS
for scheme, fail, handler_kwargs in handler_tests[1]
], indirect=['handler'])
def test_url_scheme(self, handler, scheme, fail, handler_kwargs):
run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{scheme}://'), **(handler_kwargs or {}))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,fail', [('Urllib', False), ('Requests', False), ('CurlCFFI', False)], indirect=['handler'])
def test_no_proxy(self, handler, fail):
run_validation(handler, fail, Request('http://', proxies={'no': ','}))
run_validation(handler, fail, Request('http://'), proxies={'no': ','})
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,proxy_key,fail', [
(handler_tests[0], proxy_key, fail)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,scheme,proxy_key,proxy_scheme,fail', [
(handler_tests[0], handler_tests[1], proxy_key, proxy_scheme, fail)
for handler_tests in PROXY_KEY_TESTS
for proxy_key, fail in handler_tests[1]
for proxy_key, proxy_scheme, fail in handler_tests[2]
], indirect=['handler'])
def test_proxy_key(self, handler, proxy_key, fail):
run_validation(handler, fail, Request('http://', proxies={proxy_key: ''}))
run_validation(handler, fail, Request('http://'), proxies={proxy_key: ''})
def test_proxy_key(self, handler, scheme, proxy_key, proxy_scheme, fail):
run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{scheme}://', proxies={proxy_key: f'{proxy_scheme}://'}))
run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{scheme}://'), proxies={proxy_key: f'{proxy_scheme}://'})
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,req_scheme,scheme,fail', [
(handler_tests[0], handler_tests[1], scheme, fail)
@ -1306,16 +1273,6 @@ def test_proxy_scheme(self, handler, req_scheme, scheme, fail):
run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{req_scheme}://', proxies={req_scheme: f'{scheme}://'}))
run_validation(handler, fail, Request(f'{req_scheme}://'), proxies={req_scheme: f'{scheme}://'})
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', HTTPSupportedRH, 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_empty_proxy(self, handler):
run_validation(handler, False, Request('http://', proxies={'http': None}))
run_validation(handler, False, Request('http://'), proxies={'http': None})
@pytest.mark.parametrize('proxy_url', ['//', '', '', '/a/b/c'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Urllib', 'Requests', 'CurlCFFI'], indirect=True)
def test_invalid_proxy_url(self, handler, proxy_url):
run_validation(handler, UnsupportedRequest, Request('http://', proxies={'http': proxy_url}))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler,scheme,extensions,fail', [
(handler_tests[0], handler_tests[1], extensions, fail)
for handler_tests in EXTENSION_TESTS

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
import pytest
from test.helper import verify_address_availability
from yt_dlp.networking.common import Features
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
import ssl
import threading
from yt_dlp import socks
from yt_dlp import socks, traverse_obj
from yt_dlp.cookies import YoutubeDLCookieJar
from yt_dlp.dependencies import websockets
from yt_dlp.networking import Request
@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ def ws_validate_and_send(rh, req):
@pytest.mark.skipif(not websockets, reason='websockets must be installed to test websocket request handlers')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
class TestWebsSocketRequestHandlerConformance:
def setup_class(cls):
@ -129,7 +131,6 @@ def setup_class(cls):
cls.mtls_wss_thread, cls.mtls_wss_port = create_mtls_wss_websocket_server()
cls.mtls_wss_base_url = f'wss://{cls.mtls_wss_port}'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_basic_websockets(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
ws = ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.ws_base_url))
@ -141,7 +142,6 @@ def test_basic_websockets(self, handler):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('msg,opcode', [('str', 1), (b'bytes', 2)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_send_types(self, handler, msg, opcode):
with handler() as rh:
ws = ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.ws_base_url))
@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ def test_send_types(self, handler, msg, opcode):
assert int(ws.recv()) == opcode
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_verify_cert(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
with pytest.raises(CertificateVerifyError):
@ -160,14 +159,12 @@ def test_verify_cert(self, handler):
assert ws.status == 101
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_ssl_error(self, handler):
with handler(verify=False) as rh:
with pytest.raises(SSLError, match=r'ssl(?:v3|/tls) alert handshake failure') as exc_info:
ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.bad_wss_host))
assert not issubclass(exc_info.type, CertificateVerifyError)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path,expected', [
# Unicode characters should be encoded with uppercase percent-encoding
('/中文', '/%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87'),
@ -182,7 +179,6 @@ def test_percent_encode(self, handler, path, expected):
assert ws.status == 101
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_remove_dot_segments(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
# This isn't a comprehensive test,
@ -195,7 +191,6 @@ def test_remove_dot_segments(self, handler):
# We are restricted to known HTTP status codes in http.HTTPStatus
# Redirects are not supported for websockets
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('status', (200, 204, 301, 302, 303, 400, 500, 511))
def test_raise_http_error(self, handler, status):
with handler() as rh:
@ -203,7 +198,6 @@ def test_raise_http_error(self, handler, status):
ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(f'{self.ws_base_url}/gen_{status}'))
assert exc_info.value.status == status
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('params,extensions', [
({'timeout': sys.float_info.min}, {}),
({}, {'timeout': sys.float_info.min}),
@ -213,7 +207,6 @@ def test_timeout(self, handler, params, extensions):
with pytest.raises(TransportError):
ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.ws_base_url, extensions=extensions))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_cookies(self, handler):
cookiejar = YoutubeDLCookieJar()
@ -239,7 +232,6 @@ def test_cookies(self, handler):
assert json.loads(ws.recv())['cookie'] == 'test=ytdlp'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_source_address(self, handler):
source_address = f'127.0.0.{random.randint(5, 255)}'
@ -249,7 +241,6 @@ def test_source_address(self, handler):
assert source_address == ws.recv()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_response_url(self, handler):
with handler() as rh:
url = f'{self.ws_base_url}/something'
@ -257,7 +248,6 @@ def test_response_url(self, handler):
assert ws.url == url
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_request_headers(self, handler):
with handler(headers=HTTPHeaderDict({'test1': 'test', 'test2': 'test2'})) as rh:
# Global Headers
@ -293,7 +283,6 @@ def test_request_headers(self, handler):
'client_certificate_password': 'foobar',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('handler', ['Websockets'], indirect=True)
def test_mtls(self, handler, client_cert):
with handler(
# Disable client-side validation of unacceptable self-signed testcert.pem
@ -303,6 +292,44 @@ def test_mtls(self, handler, client_cert):
) as rh:
ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.mtls_wss_base_url)).close()
def test_request_disable_proxy(self, handler):
for proxy_proto in handler._SUPPORTED_PROXY_SCHEMES or ['ws']:
# Given handler is configured with a proxy
with handler(proxies={'ws': f'{proxy_proto}://'}, timeout=5) as rh:
# When a proxy is explicitly set to None for the request
ws = ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.ws_base_url, proxies={'http': None}))
# Then no proxy should be used
assert ws.status == 101
lambda _, handler: Features.NO_PROXY not in handler._SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 'handler does not support NO_PROXY')
def test_noproxy(self, handler):
for proxy_proto in handler._SUPPORTED_PROXY_SCHEMES or ['ws']:
# Given the handler is configured with a proxy
with handler(proxies={'ws': f'{proxy_proto}://'}, timeout=5) as rh:
for no_proxy in (f'{self.ws_port}', '', 'localhost'):
# When request no proxy includes the request url host
ws = ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.ws_base_url, proxies={'no': no_proxy}))
# Then the proxy should not be used
assert ws.status == 101
lambda _, handler: Features.ALL_PROXY not in handler._SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 'handler does not support ALL_PROXY')
def test_allproxy(self, handler):
supported_proto = traverse_obj(handler._SUPPORTED_PROXY_SCHEMES, 0, default='ws')
# This is a bit of a hacky test, but it should be enough to check whether the handler is using the proxy.
# 0.1s might not be enough of a timeout if proxy is not used in all cases, but should still get failures.
with handler(proxies={'all': f'{supported_proto}://'}, timeout=0.1) as rh:
with pytest.raises(TransportError):
ws_validate_and_send(rh, Request(self.ws_base_url)).close()
with handler(timeout=0.1) as rh:
with pytest.raises(TransportError):
rh, Request(self.ws_base_url, proxies={'all': f'{supported_proto}://'})).close()
def create_fake_ws_connection(raised):
import websockets.sync.client

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
from .impersonate import ImpersonateRequestHandler, ImpersonateTarget
from ..dependencies import curl_cffi
from ..dependencies import curl_cffi, certifi
from ..utils import int_or_none
if curl_cffi is None:
@ -156,6 +156,13 @@ def _send(self, request: Request):
# See:
session.curl.setopt(CurlOpt.HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1)
# curl_cffi does not currently set these for proxies
session.curl.setopt(CurlOpt.PROXY_CAINFO, certifi.where())
if not self.verify:
session.curl.setopt(CurlOpt.PROXY_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
session.curl.setopt(CurlOpt.PROXY_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0)
headers = self._get_impersonate_headers(request)
if self._client_cert:
@ -203,7 +210,10 @@ def _send(self, request: Request):
max_redirects_exceeded = True
curl_response = e.response
elif e.code == CurlECode.PROXY:
elif (
e.code == CurlECode.PROXY
or (e.code == CurlECode.RECV_ERROR and 'Received HTTP code 407 from proxy after CONNECT' in str(e))
raise ProxyError(cause=e) from e
raise TransportError(cause=e) from e