v0.3: Planetary and empire policies

  • Add policies (with samples: workshift cursor to change pop growth & pop production rate)
  • Interface to enable or disable a policy
  • UI policies with list of choices, cursors %, cursors max/min)
  • Define some specs and setup CI with drone.sceptique.eu
  • Fix how tier stacks
No due date
16% Completed
#31 opened 2022-07-12 23:50:51 +02:00 by Sceptique
#30 opened 2022-07-12 23:50:16 +02:00 by Sceptique
#28 opened 2022-07-12 23:48:38 +02:00 by Sceptique
#27 opened 2022-07-12 23:47:17 +02:00 by Sceptique