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# Project Presentation
_Morning Peak is a modern and OpenSource Web Application.
It has been designed to manage clients, bills, and issues for little and medium compagnies._
<img att="Dashboard Mobile view" src="" width="200" />
<img alt="Dashboard Desktop view" src="" width="500" />
There is a lot of CRM on the web. Some of them are web application. Some of them are open source. Some of them are modern.
But, I __never see any of them grouping the 3__. It is why I started to develop this application.
To improve my skills, my knowledges, and to use it.
I want a simple application, that I __understand__, and that I __need__. By __simple__, I mean:
- No tasks, no reports, no chat. I want an application to do ONE thing, manage my clients, and it must do it clearly, and good.
- A pluggable application, with many __REST API__. Because tasks and reports are usefull.
- Generic items. I prefere __ONE kind of Bills + Tags__ than __4 ou 5 kinds of Bills__ (for example).
I would like money, contributions, critics, etc.
<img alt="Tickets Desktop view" src="" width="500" />
## Summary
1. [Installation](#1-installation)
1. [Requirements](#11-requirements)
2. [Initialization](#12-initialization)
3. [Configuration](#13-configuration)
4. [First start](#14-first-start)
2. [Contributions](#2-contributions)
1. [Contributors](#21-contributors)
2. [How to contribute](#22-how-to-contribute-)
# 1. Installation
## 1.1. Requirements
- Ruby 2.0 or greater.
- Postgresql server 9 or greater running with creditentials.
## 1.2. Initialization
Start by pasting this script in your shell:
cd MorningPeak/
gem install bundler
bundle install
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
edit config/database.yml # Configure your database connection first
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed # will generate default data. Not on production ;)
## 1.3. Configuration
- You can create a file ``.env`` to save your locals cvars without pollute your global env.
- You can also create ``.env.production`` etc. for environement specifics cvars
- A ``.env`` file looks like:
COMPANY: "Yolo production"
- The application's specifics cvars are :
## 1.4. First start
When you done with the configuration of the database (editing ``config/database.yml``),
you can run the server by the following command :
rails s # "-b -p 80" to test on internet :)
The server will be accessible via [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000)
Default creditentials are generated in the seed:
user> login: , password: user2015
admin> login: admin@admin.admin , password: wir2015
Checkout for [rails minidoc]( for a resume of rails.
# 2. Contributions
## 2.1. Contributors
- __Arthur Poulet__ : main developper, upstream (poulet_a)
<img alt="Look at this cute face" src="" width="200" height="150" />
## 2.2. How to contribute ?
You can contribute to this project by Merge Request on the gitlab repository [here](
The best pratices are to create short commits, and short Merge Requests. Respect the git commit nomage convention as possible with:
- title
- description
- concerned issues with "#id"
We accept any kind of work : translations, bug fix, additionnal features, optimizations, documentation, etc.
Don't be afraid !