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# A RFC compliant Email validator


gem install ruby_email

or in the Gemfile

gem 'ruby_email'

## Usage in Ruby

require 'ruby_email'

# Pure Rfc5322
RubyEmail::Rfc5322.validates? "toto@tata" # => true
RubyEmail::Rfc5322.match "toto@tata" # => #<MatchData "toto@tata" local:"toto" domain:"tata">
RubyEmail::Rfc5322.validates? "toto" # => false
RubyEmail::Rfc5322.match "toto" # => nil

# Rfc5322 + Internet basic usage
RubyEmail::Rfc5322::Public.validates? "" # => true
RubyEmail::Rfc5322::Public.match "" # => #<MatchData "toto@tata" local:"toto" domain:"">

# Rfc5322 Strings
require 'ruby_email/rfc5322/string'
"local@domain".is_email? # => true
"local".is_email? # => false

# Rfc5322 Strings + Internet basic usage
require 'ruby_email/rfc5322/public/string'
"local@domain.root".is_public_email? # => true
"local@domain".is_public_email? # => false

Usage in Ruby on Rails

class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
  # validates :email, format: RubyEmail::Rfc5322::REGEXP # valid on an intranet ...
  validates :email, format: RubyEmail::Rfc5322::Public::REGEXP

Unitary tests

rake test

Contributes !

Find a bug ? Want a new feature ? Create a clear pull request and we'll see :)

  • Nephos (poulet_a)